
Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Learning Malagasy

One of the main challenges before you are going to work in a new country is to learn the language. So we have had a couple of sessions here at Hald to learn the basics of Malagasy, the main language in Madagascar. (Some also speak French and some have tribelanguages) There has been such a long time since I started to learn a new language, and I had forgot how difficult it was. To start over and learn how the sentences are buildt up, the different words and how to pronounce them etc. And the way the counting works, it's a whole new system for me, and I thougt I was done with maths last year.. I think I will always bring a notebook and pen whereever I go, so that if I am going to buy something, they can just write the price of it.

This is the people going to Madagascar (- Julie):

This is our teachers Daniel and Blandino:

New school, new blog, new opportunities

I've finally got around and made myself a blog. It only took two weeks at Hald International Centre to figure it out.

Yeah, I should start to tell you why I decided to make a blog. This year I am going to experience something beyond what I have ever experienced before. I am going to live in a totally different culture for seven months.. I have joined a program called Green Network, that is an exchangestudent program. Now I live at Hald International Centre to prepare myself for the work I will be doing when I go to Madagascar. And to prepare for the cultural differences.. Because there are many! I will tell you about them later..

Hald international centre:

- Mary Ann