
Friday, November 25, 2011

In Madagascar time is coming!

Soon we have been in Madagascar for two months, and we have gotten to know the culture better. Now we know the working-culture as well, and it's nothing like in Norway! In Norway we work in speed because we want to finish fast and start with other tasks. In Madagascar the thought is that you do the work in your own speed, and if you have time you can take a break; and maybe start with other tasks. For us Norwegians this can be hard to get used to, because if we do our speed-working there is a lot of waiting before the others are finished; so we are trying to get our minds turned the Malagasy way.. The Malagasy people have alot of time, and don't stress through their lives.

In Norway: "Time is running"
In Madagascar: "Time is coming"

This week we have been working with the cows, in the dairy-production and in the workshop. The cows are Norwegian (NRF), and the production is very similar to Norway. Even though the milk is not prosessed the way that it is in Norway, and the milk is being sold straight from the farm. We have been working with filling plastic-bags with milk, because here the don't use cartons like in Norway.

In the workshop we have been welding, and just been practicing with different tools, because there are some time since we did that at Tomb. Here there is not so much protection for your body when you work in the workshop, so you can't work that long time without a break, because your body gets really tired. But it's really fun to make stuff, and next week we will go and repair something in the pighouse.

Julie and one of the cows:

What is this cow's problem?

All the machines in the dairy-production is Norwegian..

Handy-girls in the workshop!

This is a dog that comes around our house from time to time, and we feed her with our leftovers.. We named her Skinny; Because she's so skinny..

- Mary Ann

1 comment:

  1. Så kult å se hva dere gjør:) Festlig å møte på dere i går:) He he...lykke til videre:):) he eh

    Hilsen Pauline:)
