
Sunday, January 22, 2012

Homesickness and thoughts about next year

Lately it has been really quiet and not so much to do, so of course my mind wanders off to what is happening at home. And also I am starting to think of what I want to do for next year. I thought I would have a clue when I had been living in Madagascar for around 4 months, but I have no clue at all. There are so many choices and I am not sure what my interests are. So my mind have been a lot in Norway after infield, a lot of Skyping and chatting on the internet; my mind have been more in Norway than in Madagascar.

But in a week from now Julie will go on vacation with her family, and then I am going to visit my friends in Fandriana and my friends in Antananarivo.To travel long-distance by bus alone here in Madagascar can be an experience. They fill the buses up until it's almost not possible to touch the floors with your feet, and the first trip is lasting 4 hours. And after that I will have a visit from my family, so I have a lot to look forward to!

Since it hasn't been so much happening these last days I am posting some pictures of our garden here at Tombontsoa, I must say that we have a really fruitful garden!

A couple of days ago we found out that we actually have pineappleplants in our garden. Fits me perfectly, because I have never eaten so much pineapples in my life; as I have done here.

We also have grapes, they are absolutely not finished yet

Aloe Vera:

Unfinished mango:

Some kind of fruit that we don't know what is..

Banana tree:

A nice red flower that I don't know the name of:

- Mary Ann


  1. Har du prøvd å ta på aloe vera-planten? Det kan være veldig vondt :P Gleder meg til du kommer hjem!

    1. Haha, du snakker av erfaring? :P Gleder meg til å se deg igjen også snuppa! :)

  2. Å, den frukten du ikke vet hva er tror jeg kommer til å bli oransje og smake kjempegodt! Vi kjøpte noen sånne her i november(da var det sesong for dem, i desember kom jordbærene og nå er det druer), og vi elska de! Vi kalte de tomatfrukt, selv om Amelí visste navnet på dem. Det er ikke sikkert at det er det samme, da. Uansett. Frukt er kult. Ananasplante er kult. Og når modner mangoen?
