
Wednesday, September 28, 2011

One week left!

Now Julie and I have been at Gjennestad farmer-school since monday evening, and it has been really fun! At Monday we arrived around five, and met Anja, Ary, Lalaina and Dafy here, and went out to eat some pizza.. Yesterday we went to pick up my good friend Knut Roger, and drove to Tønsberg. We were going to visit museums, but all the museums we went to were closed, so we went to "Slottsfjellet" to look at an old castle. It was really beautiful there, and Knut were a really good guide. And after that we went out to shop some things for the girls (the boys' biggest horror)..

When everybody was tired of shopping we went to the harbour, because there they are rebuilding a vikingship from scratch, with the same kind of tools they used in the viking-age; a thousand years ago! It was really interesting to see how they could manage to make a whole ship with only a few tools. When we were finished with looking at viking-stuff we went to a really famous American restaurant that my Malagasy friends had only seen on TV.. And that was McDonalds! Qualityfood!

Knut and me:


Only the people that know me well, will know this joke:

A new vikingship:

Ary at McDonalds:

And this is our house for the week:

- Mary Ann

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