
Saturday, September 24, 2011

Home for the weekend

Thursday night I left Hald, and went home for the weekend, to celebrate my mother's birthday. Now it's only 9 days until I leave, and I am so restless - I just want to leave now! But before I leave I am going to visit a good friend of mine in Oslo, and one in Tønsberg; and spend some days at Gjennestad farmer-school. But I think the time will run fast, and suddenly we will be at the airport saying goodbye to our family and friends..

The birthday was great, and I got to say goodbye to my great-grandmother, grandfather and uncle, which I won't see again until next year. Now I will soon go to bed because I will get up early in the morning to drive my mother to the airport.

Here are some pictures from the birthday party:

The birthdaygirl:

My great-grandmother, my uncle and me:

My sister, my grandfather and me:

And my aunt who made a really good cake! :

- Mary Ann

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