
Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Time flies!

Now it's only 13 days until we will travel to Madagascar, and I have a lot of butterflies in my stomach. It's so much that I am supposed to do before I travel, and I think I won't manage to do half of it. Tomorrow I will leave Hald and go home for the weekend to celebrate my mother's birthday. And after that I will go to Gjennestad agricultural school for a week, and then it's only a couple of days until we leave.. Time is running fast!

There has been so much going on at Hald! We have had a lot of interesting classes (which one of them you can read about in the previous entry) and we have been exercising aerobics and strength, we have been social all the time, and I love it! Last Tuesday we arranged a bad-taste talentshow, that was really fun! Lots of good talents, and not so good talents..

Now I have had a weekend with almost just international students, and it was very quiet here at Hald without all the noisy Norwegians.. Yesterday I was on a trip in Kristiansand with the other Green Network participants, we were shopping a bit, and we also went to a Norwegian nature-museum, it was really fun!
Here's some pictures of what we have been doing since last time:

 Here's from the bad-taste party, as you can see; we had a lot of fun!

 These pictures were taken by Hanna Charlotte ( )

 Here are some pictures from Green Network's trip to Kristiansand:

 Here you can see a Malagasy farmer at Moods of Norway's store in Kristiansand:

The rest of the pictures are from the nature-museum right outside of Kristiansand:

The museum actually had the biggest cactus-collection in Norway. I just wonder how many Norwegian cactus-collections there is..


- Mary Ann

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